Monday, September 19, 2011

Ballard Thinks Green Is Great

Apparently Mayor Greg Ballard of Indianapolis hasn't heard about Solyndra, or how some conservatives are using it as an excuse to attack green energy and government. He's been tweeting this morning about how green and efficient the City-County Building has gotten:

Mayor Greg Ballard
CCB greening that began in 2009 is complete! We now have renewable energy systems as well as solar & wind powered LED plaza lighting.

Mayor Greg Ballard
New sustainable upgrades, including HVAC improvements & geothermal heat recovery chiller system are making the 50-y-o CCB a green bldg model

Mayor Greg Ballard
Introducing sustainable upgrades making CCB one of the most energy-efficient govt office bldgs in the U.S. Will save $750,000/yr for 15 yrs

While Ballard's claims are pretty awesome, power-efficiency is not normally part of the Republican rhetoric on efficient government. Indiana has been unusual among Republican led states in that its infrastructure spending has not slowed down since the transition to GOP leadership. 
 Here's hoping more people in both parties look towards energy efficiency as a great way to generate short-term jobs and reduce long-term costs. 

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